The latest news from The BHY

News from The Boathouse Youth

Charity Golf Day for Tee BHY!

Last week Smiths Tool Hire hosted a fantastic Charity Golf Day at the Village Hotel and Golf Resort in Blackpool raising funds for The Boathouse Youth Charity.

The compรจre for the after-game dinner was one of our biggest advocates and local celebrity – Joey Blower – doing what he does best and getting his audience laughing from their bellies and then digging deep to support our amazing cause.

Huge thanks to David Turner and Leigh Walker from Smiths Hire who have worked tirelessly to pull the event together today.

As a charity with limited capacity for this kind of fundraising we are always so grateful when corporate organisations take the heavy work away from us – especially when they do it so well! Because it means we can do our bitโ€ฆ and continue enabling young people to lead their best lives.