Universal Programme

Sign up for our Universal Programme Today

A million and one opportunities to meet with your friends, try your hand at new skills and have a whole heap of fun.

Our incredible team of Youth Workers will work with you and your peers to develop a fantastic programme of activities that will keep you coming back time after time.

Providing young people with a place to be.

Our Universal Programmes runs daily after school at our Bloomfield and Grange Park Youth Centres. The programme aims to provide young people a safe and informal learning environment with trusted professional adults at hand.

Any child or young person (Aged 5 – 17) can participate in this programme of sessions planned around The NYA’s Youth Work Curriculum, delivered by JNC Qualified Youth Workers.

The engaging activity-based sessions are structured around participatory practice and informal education so that participants develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in the subject areas.

1 Infants

Story telling
Messy play
Outdoor adventures
Age 5 - YR 2

2 Juniors

Science experiments
Team Games
yr 3 & yr 4

3 Junior Plus

Making things
yr 5 & yr 6

4 Seniors

Canal Boating
Outdoor Pursuits
yrs 7, 8 & 9

5 Senior Plus

Duke of Edinburgh Award
Social Action Projects
YR 10 - Age 17

Whats on at BHY Universal?


children and young people currently attend our Universal Programme


sessions each week across both our Youth Centres


different age groups so young people are always with their peers

Since starting Boathouse I get in less fights at school and don’t have as many detentions. I’ve noticed I’m doing better at school and my grades are improving.

The latest

News from our Universal Programme

Join the Universal Programme

The best time to join The BHY’s Universal Programme was years ago. The second best time is NOW.